Social Media Manager

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Blandit turpis, occaecati placerat, dolores.

Mollis dolor consectetur eveniet tellus illum alias ipsam.
Blandit turpis, occaecati placerat, dolores.

Mollis dolor consectetur eveniet tellus illum alias ipsam.
Blandit turpis, occaecati placerat, dolores.

So many followers and so few purchases?

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing activities have literally exploded in recent years.
From a niche role within PR, they have come to assume a predominant importance in corporate communication strategies.

Thus, a new figure was born that brings concrete added value to those who work on the Web: the Social Media Manager, a high-level professional specializing in the world of media.

The social media manager has in-depth knowledge of the most influential social platforms and knows how to leverage their most competitive levers to increase the visibility of the e-commerce company.

He is a true digital strategist who offers you the key to increasing business.

Many companies, however, even though they are aware of the inestimable value of this resource, choose not to introduce it to their team.

The reasons may be different.
For example, you prefer to maintain a lean staff, or you do not have a structured Marketing Department.

The solution?

We offer it to you at hyblaweb With an outsourced service!

This way you can have all the experience of a professional Social Media Manager to support you in all kinds of web initiatives.

Our Social Media Manager becomes your point of reference for creating, editing and uploading content to all social platforms.
It gives you the ability to plan and launch digital campaigns, allowing you to optimize your brand’s online presence.

By relying on our expertise you can increase your visibility and build customer loyalty, all the way to increased leads and sales.

After all, one should not forget that…

effective social media management is now essential for successful web marketing efforts

The strengths of our offering

  • Site analysis

To prepare an ad hoc digital strategy, our social media manager first performs a detailed analysis of the site.

Among the aspects examined is the brand’s level of visibility and its degree of authority on the Web.

Once a complete picture is outlined, a comprehensive intervention plan with the required investment is defined and shared with the company.

  • Social channels

The digital marketing actions you can implement with our support involve the most clicked social platforms.

These include Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Reddit…

The planning of the media to focus on is done in full harmony with business objectives.

  • PR activities with influencers

Social media is an effective tool, but its strategic power is not evenly distributed among different platforms.

Our social media manager helps you connect with your target influencers, whose millions of followers can have an incalculable impact from a visibility standpoint.

  • Strategic planning

Drawing on our expertise, you can plan campaigns to launch new products or services and increase traffic on targeted channels to keep your online visibility top-of-mind over time.

  • Data analysis

In digital marketing operations, it is important to know how to analyze data.
Understanding the numbers associated with social media interactions can prove invaluable in improving your organization’s performance.

Our Social Media Manager helps you interpret the results with the help of tools such as Google Analytics, along with platform-specific analysis tools such as Facebook Business Manager and YouTube Studio.

Site implementation

Our social media manager works closely with the creative team at hyblaweb.

In this way, it offers you comprehensive advice to increase your site’s appeal, facilitate navigation, and foster good rankings.

  • Images

Effect images are a winning component of any e-commerce platform: they attract the attention of the potential buyer and are an effective lever to drive purchase.

They also have a key-function in SEO optimization of the page on which they are published: therefore, it is important to include the correct image alt tag in the HTLM code.

This is a detail that is often underestimated, but with our support it helps foster a top ranking in search engines.

  • Video

Upon request, we offer you an editing service for the corporate videos on the site to make them even more engaging.

The potential buyer’s attention is thus focused on the aspects that matter, guiding him or her in making the final choice.

  • Banner

Our creative team is available to design and produce high-impact banners.

You can then supplement the site with engaging messages that capture visitors’ attention and drive purchase through targeted “call-to-actions.”


Suitable for small businesses


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Suitable for medium-sized companies


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Suitable for large companies


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